Microscopic Animal Cells (82 images)
CZ02-003d Stomach - cat, parietal cells with...
CZ01-008x Neurons - giant multi polar neurons...
CZ07-003c Skeletal Muscle - striated muscle
CZ08-001c Scalp - old skin flaking off, hair...
CZ02-003p Stomach - cat, parietal cells with...
CZ06-002c Small Intestines - mucus plugs...
CZ30-003z Taste Bud
CZ01-009x Neurons - giant multi polar neurons...
CZ01-015x Neurons - giant multi polar neurons...
CZ01-016x Animal Cell showing organelles -...
CZ01-016z Neurons - giant multi polar neurons...
CZ01-026x Cerebellum cells and large Purkinje...
CZ01-028x Cerebellum cells and large Purkinje...
CZ01-030x Cerebellum cells - silver stain - 250x
CZ02-002b Stomach - cat, parietal cells with...
CZ04-001a Venticle - rabbit, red blood cells...
CZ04-003b Cardiac muscle
CZ04-007b Cardiac Muscle - heart 400x
CZ04-008b Cardiac Muscle - heart 400x
CZ05-001c Neurons - spinal cord, axon and...
CZ05-004b Motor neurons - long processes are...
CZ06-001e Small Intestines - mucus plugs...
CZ06-003c Small Intestines - mucus plugs...
CZ06-004a Small Intestines - goblet cells,...
CZ06-006a Small Intestines - goblet cells,...
CZ06-007a Small Intestine - goblet cells, cx,...
CZ07-002a Skeletal Muscle - cat, striated...
CZ07-004a Skeletal Muscle - striated 400x
CZ07-005x Lung Tissue - smokers, human lung 250x
CZ07-010a Skeletal Muscle - striated muscle,...
CZ07-010x Lung Tissue - normal, human lung 35x
CZ08-002e Skin - human (white) stratified...
CZ08-004c Skin - human (white) 100x
CZ08-005c Scalp - hair follicle, hair
CZ10-005c Hyaline cartilage from trachea...
CZ10-007b Loose Connective Tissue - areola 250x
CZ12-001a Smooth Muscle - 400x
CZ12-004b Smooth Muscle - 250x
CZ13-001a Bone - Haversian canal, canniculi,...
CZ13-002b Bone - Haversian canal, canniculi,...
CZ14-002b Artery - cx 100x
CZ14-003c Artery - smaller arteriole 100x
CZ15-001b Vein - Verhoeff vein 100x
CZ15-002b Vein - large in human lung 100x
CZ15-003b Small vein - venule 250x
CZ16-004a Kidney Tubules - cuboidal epithelia...
CZ16-009b Kidney Tubules - cuboidal epithelia...
CZ18-003c Lung Tissue - air sacs (aveoli)...
CZ18-006b Lung Tissue - human, emphesema...
CZ18-010a Lung Tissue - air sacs (aveoli)
CZ18-012b Lung Tissue - cancer, squamous cell...
CZ19-003b Frog Skin - xs 250x
CZ19-004b Frog Skin - xs, squamous epithelial...
CZ25-001b Nasal Epithelium - striated squamous...
CZ26-002b Pacinian Corpuscle 250x
CZ28-002z Cerebellum ©Allen Bell - Dwight Kuhn...
CZ29-001a Liver Cells - amphiuma, nucleus and...
CZ29-002a Liver Cells - amphiuma, nucleus and...
CZ29-002p Liver Cells - amphiuma, nucleus and...
CZ29-003b Liver Cells - mammal 400x
CZ30-001b Taste Buds
CZ30-002b Taste Buds
CZ31-001c Mouth - Epithelia cells 250x
CZ31-001p Mouth epithelia cells
CZ31-002b Mouth epithelia cells 250x
CZ40-001a Testis - epidymis section...
CZ40-002z Epididymus - stereocilia on cells,...
CZ40-003z Epididymus - stereocilia on cells,...
CZ40-004z Testis - seminiferous tubule, prim....
CZ40-015z Renal Corpuscle - contians...
CZ40-016z Testis - crayfish 100x
CZ41-001a Adipose Tissue - white fat 250x
CZ42-001z Ovary - primordial & prim....
CZ45-001a Sensory Organelle with Cilia [center]...
CZ46-005z Nucleus Organelle in Animal Cell...
CZ47-002z Animal Cell showing organelles -...
CZ50-001z Animal cell organelles - nucleus and...
CZ50-002z Animal cell organelles - rough and...
CZ50-003z Animal cell organelles -...
CZ50-004z Membrane showing 3 layers Animal...
CZ50-005z Muscle Organelle in Animal Cell -...
CZ50-006z Membrane showing 3 layers Animal...