Ponds, Streams, Lakes (72 images)
PO01-010z Pond with cattails
MT01-005z Pond on top of Tumbledown Mt., Maine,...
WF23-012z Stream through woods
WF01-001c Waterfall - Katahdin Falls, Baxter...
PO02-004b Pond with water lillies
WF03-002z Roaring Brook, Baxter State Park, Maine
FA27-089z Boy holding frog at pond
FA27-086z Boy exploring pond and collecting...
FA27-129z Children exploring at pond
PO01-009b Pond with water plants
PO07-004z Life in a drop of pond water -...
SC01-024z Small pond filling in with cattails...
AC07-001z Bubble Pond - Acadia National Park,...
AC07-002a Bubble Pond - Acadia National Park,...
BV01-006z Beaver house on pond in winter
FA27-008z Children at stream looking for animals
FA27-073z Girl collecting frog at pond
FA27-074z Child collecting animals at stream
FA27-075z Child collecting animals at pond
FA27-078a Children collecting animals at pond
FA27-079b Children collecting animals at pond
FA27-080z Boy collecting frog at pond
FA27-091z Boy collecting animals at pond
FA27-093z Boy releasing frog at pond
FA27-098z Boy releasing frog at pond
FA27-099z Boy collecting animals at pond
FA27-121z Children exploring at pond
FA27-124z Children exploring at pond
FA27-131z Children exploring at pond
FA27-141z Children exploring at pond
FA27-171a Child using net to catch insects in...
FA27-172z Child using net to catch insects in...
FA27-177z Child using net to catch insects in...
KN03-004b Pond - Pebble Beach at base of...
MT01-003z Pond on top of Tumbledown Mt., Maine
PO01-006a Small pond
PO01-008a Small pod, cattails
PO01-011z Pond with cattails
PO01-012b Pond with water plants
PO01-012z Vernal (spring) pond - temporary
PO01-013z Pond with cattails
PO01-015z Small pond
PO01-025a Small pond showing succession with...
PO01-019b Pond with cattails
PO01-030z Pond with water plants
PO02-005b Pond with water lilies
PO03-001a Small ice covered pond in winter
PO04-001a Small pond with cattails in winter
PO04-002b Small pond with cattails in winter
PO07-005z Life in a drop of pond water -...
PO09-003a Vernal (spring) pond, temporary
PO11-005f Collecting Pond Invertebrates using...
PO11-007z Collection Nets for Pond Invertebrate
SC01-025z Small pond filling in with plants,...
SC01-026z Former pond filling in with large...
WF01-004z Waterfall - Katahdin Falls, Baxter...
WF01-008a Waterfall - Katahdin Falls, Baxter...
WF04-001z Forest stream, Baxter State Park, Maine
WF05-008a Small mountain brook Baxter State...
WF06-001b Small mountain brook Baxter State...
WF09-001b Stream - Pisgah National Forest, NC
WF09-002z Stream - Pisgah National Forest, NC
WF09-003z Stream - Pisgah National Forest, NC
WF12-002z Rapids near Baxter State Park, Maine...
WF18-001z Sebec Lake Maine
WF22-002c Pond with maple leaves floating in...
WF22-004b Stream with marsh marigolds along it
WF23-010z Stream floodplain - habitat of...
WF23-011z Rapids of large stream
WF24-018z Children exploring stream
WF25-002z Children exploring stream
WT11-001b Pond in winter