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1S47-502z Threespine Stickleback, male courting gravid female with a zigzag dance, she responds with a head-up posture to display her swollen belly, Gasterosteus aculeatus
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fish, stickleback, sticklebacks, threespined stickleback, three spined stickleback, three-spined stickleback, threespine stickleback, three spine stickleback, three-spine stickleback, freshwater, tiddler, tittlebat, sprick, Gasterosteus aculeatus, court, courtship, courting behavior, male, female, reproductive color, reproductive colour, mating color, mating colour, egg, eggs, breed, mate, gravid, dorsal pricking, breeding coloration, reproductive colors, breeding colors, reproductive colouration, breeding colouration, zigzag dance, zig zag dance, mating dance, threespined sticklebacks, three spined sticklebacks, three-spined sticklebacks, threespine sticklebacks, three spine sticklebacks, three-spine sticklebacks, stickle, stickles