Search Results
Your search yielded 83 images
TT19-014b Asexual Reproduction - cutting top...
HS69-054a Asexual Reproduction - root growth...
TT19-013d Asexual Reproduction - experiment...
HS69-012b Asexual Reproduction - carrot and...
HS69-005a Asexual Reproduction - beet with...
HS07-001b Asexual Reproduction - stem cut from...
HS69-015a Asexual Reproduction - leaf cuttings...
HS06-002a Asexual Reproduction - leaf cuttings...
AN14-514z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-512z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-510z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-507z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-503z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-513z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-509z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-508z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
AN14-506z Leafcutter Ants carrying leaves to...
HS69-019d Asexual Reproduction - shoots...
BV05-001b Beaver - tree gnawed by beaver
HS69-021c Asexual Reproduction - shoot planted...
HS69-018b Asexual Reproduction - shoots from...
HS37-010x Cabbage - close-up of cut head -...
HS16-033d Onion - red onion cut in half
HS16-027c Onion - red onion cut in half
HS37-024b Red Cabbage - harvested, inside...
HS39-021b Flower Reproduction - mature seeds...
HS39-018c Flower Reproduction - ovary cut open...
TU03-002e Kiwi fruit cut in half to show seeds
TU03-001c Kiwi fruit cut in half to show seeds
HS16-030a Onion - red onion cut in half
1120-1001 Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout,...
0908-0913 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0910 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0906 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0905 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0902 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0914 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0912 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0911 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0909 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0908 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0907 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0904 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0903 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
0908-0901 Black Skimmer Flying Foraging for...
HS32-051x Radish - Marabelle variety
HS16-011x Onion - Storage onions - Copra variety
HS62-026x Beet - Mixed beets - Foranova,...
HS62-014x Beet - cylindrical shaped beet -...
HS62-008x Beet - sliced - Chioggia variety
HS62-003x Beet - red beets - Chioggia variety
HS32-031x Radish - tap roots, sliced radishes...
HS16-061x Onion - sweet mild onions - Ailsa...
HS16-024a Onion - red onions - Burgermaster...
HS16-023x Onion - storage onions - Sweet...
HS12-020b Carrot - just harvested, Artist variety
HS41-145x Pepper - sweet bell pepper,...
HS41-113x Pepper - sweet bell pepper, Islander...
HS41-037x Pepper - sweet pepper, Lipstick variety
HS36-021x Summer Squash - Yellow Crookneck...
HS36-012c Winter Squash - Sugarloaf variety.
HS36-005x Summer Squash - Yellow Crookneck...
HS30-077x Bean - pole bean - Kentucky Blue variety
HS37-041a Red Cabbage - small head, short core...
HS37-009b Cabbage - Perfect Action variety
HS37-005b Red Cabbage - Ruby Ball
HS09-033b Tomato - canning, paste tomato,...
HS24-137b Pumpkin - cx showing seeds
HS05-005z Potato - child planting potato,...
TT16-006a Wood section -radial, showing grains...
HS62-023x Beet - golden beet - Golden variety
HS12-036x Carrot - knife slicing carrot
HS05-006z Potato - child planting potatoes
SE13-002b Apple Tree - cross section of apple...
SE13-001c Apple Tree - cross section of apple...
TT16-007b Wood section - tangential - Oak
HS15-001z Asexual Reproduction - maple tree...
FP04-013b Flower Reproduction - wrinkled rose...
FP04-011a Flower Reproduction - wrinkled rose...
DG06-091x Chicken - embryology, 24 hour...
SE15-002b Papaya fruit cut to show seeds
HS51-013a Flower Reproduction - ovary cut xs...
1W10-001a Mud Dauber Wasp - mud dauber wasp...