Search Results
Your search yielded 340 images
CZ18-006b Lung Tissue - human, emphesema...
MU30-224a Meadow Vole -damage to apple tree...
0317-1111 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1117 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1115 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1114 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1113 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1110 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1109 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1116 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
0317-1112 Mojave Yucca (Spanish Dagger),...
MU30-106z Meadow Vole girdling [eating the...
HS36-007z Striped Cucumber Beetle on Cucumber...
HY16-531z Spindle Galls on Black Cherry leaf...
1Y08-088z Land Snail - east coast land snail...
HE10-006z Squash bug on squash plant - Anasa...
0102-1203 Termite Nest Mound (Central American...
0102-1201 Termite Nest Mound (Central American...
BV05-001b Beaver - tree gnawed by beaver
1Y12-079z Slug - on leaf
1Y12-053z Slug - eating strawberry
1Y08-115z Land Snail - west coast snail...
1Y08-098z Minority Child with Western Garden...
1Y08-059z Land Snail - east coast land snail...
1Y08-057z Land Snail - west coast snail -...
1Y08-054z Snail - east coast land snail -...
LE23-500z Common Bagworm hanging from tree,...
0110-0904 Gypsy moth caterpillar (Late...
0110-0901 Gypsy moth caterpillar (Late...
DE02-001z Thrips
HS36-028a Striped Cucumber Beetle - beetle on...
1C28-051z Colorado Potato Beetle - adult,...
1C08-002z June Beetle - Phyllophaga spp.
HO05-004b Mealy Bug - Pseudococcus
HO05-001d Mealy Bug - Pseudococcus
0901-0824 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0819 Dog-day Cicada Molted Skin, Tibicen...
0901-0811 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
1A28-049b Aphid - adults with young on...
1A25-005a Aphid - Aphid - female adult...
1A04-021z Sumac Gall Aphid -mature winged...
1A03-023a Aphid - winged adult female and...
DC22-002a Water Mold - growing on fish
DC21-014c Mold - growing on apple
DC13-008z Mold on tomato - Rhizopus spp.
DC08-070a Decomposing jack-o-lantern pumpkin,...
0101-1210 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1208 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1207 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1206 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1205 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1204 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
0101-1203 Arboreal Termite Nest (Central...
MA01-147z Black Bear - at picnic site, knocked...
MA01-134z Black Bear - at picnic site - Ursus...
1Y14-004d Slug - eggs
1Y12-078z Slug - on leaf
1Y12-076z Slug - on leaf
1Y12-051z Slug - eating strawberry
1Y12-047z Slug - eating strawberry
1Y12-043z Slug - eating strawberry
1Y12-037z Slug
1Y12-001b Slug - slugs showing slime trails
1Y08-132z Land Snail - young west coast...
1Y08-131z Land Snail - east coast land snail...
1Y08-130z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-127z Land Snail - west coast snail -...
1Y08-119z Land Snail - east coast land snail...
1Y08-114z Land Snail - young west coast snails...
1Y08-108z Land Snail - west coast snails...
1Y08-102a Land Snail - west coast snails...
1Y08-097z Land Snail - west coast snail -...
1Y08-096z Land Snail - east coast land snail -...
1Y08-094z Land Snail - west coast snail...
1Y08-093z East Coast Land Snail, Sephia hortensis
1Y08-092z Land Snail - west coast snail -...
1Y08-090z Land Snail - girl finding snail
1Y08-083z Snail - east coast land snail -...
1Y08-082z Land Snail - east coast land snail...
1Y08-074z Land Snail - trails on leaf
1Y08-070z Land Snail - young west coast...
1Y08-068z Land Snail - young west coast snails...
1Y08-066z Snail - east coast land snail -...
1Y08-060z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-056z Land Snail - west coast snail laying...
1Y08-055a Land Snail - west coast snail eggs...
1Y08-053a Land Snail - west coast snail -...
1Y08-042a Land Snail - west coast snail...
1Y08-041z Land Snail - West Coast land snail...
1Y08-040z Land Snail - west coast snail head...
0204-07rr Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
0204-07qq Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
0204-07pp Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
0204-07oo Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
0204-07nn Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
0204-07mm Thorny Walking Stick "Nymph" -...
LE23-503z Common Bagworm hanging from tree,...
LE15-016e Moth - eastern tent caterpillar in...
GY04-001f Gypsy Moth - male and female mating...
GY03-002c Gypsy Moth - female laying eggs -...
GY03-001b Gypsy Moth - female laying eggs -...
GY02-003a Gypsy Moth - egg mass and hatching...
GY02-001b Gypsy Moth - egg mass and hatching...
GY01-007b Gypsy Moth caterpillars on apple...
GY01-006b Gypsy Moth caterpillar on willow...
GY01-003z Gypsy Moth- caterpillar head -...
GY01-002z Gypsy Moth caterpillar head -...
0110-0902 Gypsy moth caterpillar (Late...
1F06-001c Cabbage Root Maggots
DE02-003z Thrips - on flower
0625-0802 Four-lined Plant Bug "Herb, Flower,...
0625-0801 Four-lined Plant Bug "Herb, Flower,...
0624-07zz Four-lined Plant Bug "Herb, Flower,...
0109-0917 Clouded Plant Bug, Neurocolpus spp....
HS36-027b Striped Cucumber Beetle - beetle on...
1C33-541z Darkling Beetle or Mealworm Larva...
1C33-536z Darkling Beetle or Mealworm Larva...
1C33-535z Darkling Beetle or Mealworm Larva...
1C33-532z Darkling Beetle or Mealworm Larva...
1C31-023x Mexican Bean Beetle - adult -...
1C31-009x Mexican Bean Beetle - larva -...
1C31-001a Mexican Bean Beetle - adult -...
1C28-070z Colorado Potato Beetle - adult -...
1C28-068z Colorado Potato Beetle - adult with...
1C28-067z Colorado Potato Beetle - larvae -...
1C28-057z Colorado Potato Beetle - adult -...
1C28-056z Colorado Potato Beetle - larva -...
1C28-049z Colorado Potato Beetle - larva -...
1C28-017b Colorado Potato Beetle - eggs -...
1C28-016z Colorado Potato Beetle - larva -...
1C28-015c Colorado Potato Beetle - larva -...
1C28-004z Colorado Potato Beetle - adult,...
1C25-025x Sugar Maple Borer Beetle - Glycobius...
1C25-020z Sugar Maple Borer Beetle, Glycobius...
1C25-010a Sugar Maple Borer Beetle - face...
1C25-007z Sugar Maple Borer Beetle -...
1C25-007x Sugar Maple Borer Beetle - Glycobius...
1C25-003e Sugar Maple Borer Beetle - Glycobius...
1C13-060d Japanese Beetle and eaten leaves -...
1C13-060a Japanese Beetle - Popillia japonica
1C13-010b Japanese Beetle - Popillia japonica
1C13-008a Japanese Beetle - Popillia japonica
1C08-009z June Beetle Larva Face among soil...
1C08-008a June Beetle - larva, grub -...
1C08-006b June Beetle - larva, grub -...
1C08-005b June Beetle - larva, grub -...
1C08-001z June Beetle - Phyllophaga spp.
0112-07xx Spotted Cucumber Beetle - Diabrotica...
HY16-004c Oak Gall - on Oak - Acraspis erinacei
HY16-002g Wooly Oak Gall on oak leaf - wasp spp.
HY16-002d Wooly Oak Gall - wasp spp.
HO06-005e Scale Insects - Adults and nymphs.
HO06-002c Scale Insects found on Ficus...
HO06-001a Scale Insects found on Ficus...
HO05-002b Mealy Bug - Pseudococcus
HO04-005z White Flies - Greenhouse...
HO03-006c Cicada Periodical adult emerging...
HO03-003c Cicada Periodical adult emerging from...
HO03-002a Cicada Periodical adult Magicicada...
0901-0834 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0833 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0832 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0831 Close-up of Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen...
0901-0830 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0829 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0828 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0827 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0826 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0825 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0823 Close-up of Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen...
0901-0822 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0821 Dog-day Cicada, Tibicen spp. ©...
0901-0820 Recently Emerged Adult Dog-day...
0901-0818 Recently Emerged Adult Dog-day...
0901-0817 Recently Emerged Adult Dog-day...
0901-0816 Recently Emerged Adult Dog-day...
0901-0815 Recently Emerged Adult Dog-day...
0901-0814 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
0901-0813 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
0901-0809 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
0901-0808 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
0901-0807 Emerging Adult Dog-day Cicada,...
0901-0806 Dog-day Cicada Nymph Climbing into...
0901-0805 Dog-day Cicada Nymph Climbing into...
0901-0804 Dog-day Cicada Nymph Climbing into...
0901-0803 Dog-day Cicada Nymph Climbing into...
0901-0802 Dog-day Cicada Nymph Climbing into...
SO01-077z Sumac Gall Aphid - habitat on...
SO01-064z Sumac Gall Aphid - habitat on...
1A29-037z Aphid - ant milking aphids for honey...
1A29-007z Aphid - being milked by ant for...
1A28-055z Aphid - sucking juices from milkweed
1A28-046d Aphid - adult with young on milkweed...
1A27-009g Aphid - sucking juices from plant stem
1A25-004z Aphid - winged adult female sucking...
1A24-001a Aphid - on plant stem with sun in...
1A23-024z Aphid - winged adult giving birth to...
1A23-023z Aphid - giving birth to live young,...
1A23-022z Aphid - giving birth to live young,...
1A23-021z Aphid - giving birth to live young,...
1A23-020z Aphid - female adult giving birth to...
1A23-018z Aphid - female with young -...
1A21-001g Aphid - wooly aphid
1A20-002d Aphid - mass on milkweed
1A18-013z Aphid - ant milking aphids for honey...
1A17-023z Aphid - ant milking aphids for...
1A17-022z Aphid - ant milking aphids for...
1A17-017z Aphid - ant milking aphids for...
1A15-008z Aphid - molting from old skin
1A04-008a Aphid - adult aphid with newly...
1A03-027z Sumac Gall Aphid - female wingless...
1A03-013z Aphid - winged adult female and...
1A02-050z Sumac Gall Aphid - female wingless...
1A02-002b Aphid - young with adult aphid,...
1A01-046z Sumac Gall Aphid - inside of gall on...
1A01-043z Sumac Gall Aphid - inside of gall on...
1A01-026a Aphid - on stem sucking plant juices
IS03-004b Termite - soldier, large head and...
IS03-003a Termite - soldie, large head and...
IS02-017a Termite - worker, protozoa in...
IS02-015z Termite - worker in tunnel -...
IS01-014z Termite - workers - Reticulitermes...
FS07-004a Water Mold - growing on black fly larva
DC31-500z Molds growing on the leaves of Jade...
DC31-005b Powdery Mildew - on cucumber -...
DC22-004c Water Mold - growing on salamander
DC22-003c Water Mold - growing on salamander
DC21-022e Mold growing on peach -...
DC21-021d Mold growing on peach -...
DC21-018e Mold growing on peach -...
DC21-012e Penicillin Mold - growing on lemon
DC21-011d Mold - growing on bread
DC21-007b Mold - growing on bread
DC21-007a Penicillin Mold - on orange
DC21-006a Penicillin Mold - on orange
DC21-004a Penicillin Mold - on orange
DC12-011a Decomposing apple - (Decomposing...
DC12-010c Decaying apple - (Decomposing...
DC12-009a Apple on ground - Decomposing apple...
DC12-002e Decomposing apple - (series -...
DC10-003c Mold - growing on tomato - Rhizopus...
DC09-001z Mold - on pumpkin
DC08-082z Mold spores - Rhizopus spp - electron...
DC08-081z Mold stalks and spores - Rhizopus spp...
DC08-074b Decomposing jack-o-lantern with...
DC08-009d Mold - growing on decaying pumpkin
DC08-007e Mold - growing on decaying pumpkin
DC08-005z Black Mold - growing on pumpkin
AT13-001a Decaying apple with seeds germinating
0102-1204 Termite Nest Mound (Central American...