Search Results
Your search yielded 172 images
AT16-504z Crab Apple Tree, Malus domestica
AT16-500z Crab Apple Tree, Malus domestica
TT18-027d Oak - tree - Quercus spp.
WT09-007b Forest - winter
TT18-065z Oak - in winter - Quercus spp.
TT18-060a Oak - new leaves and male catkins -...
TT18-057a Oak - acorn germinating - Quercus spp.
TT18-052z Oak - acorn germinating, fibrous...
TT18-041b Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
TT18-024a White Oak - seedling, young tree -...
TT18-017d Oak - acorn, oak leaves - Quercus spp.
TT11-004c Oak - cross section of oak tree
TT12-047z Red Maple - summer - Acer rubrum
TT12-046z Red Maple - spring with new leaves -...
TT12-044z Red Maple - winter -Acer rubrum
TT12-041z Red Maple - summer - Acer rubrum
TT12-025g Red Maple - summer - Acer rubrum
MP08-008b Red Maple - seeds blowing from tree,...
MP08-005a Red Maple - spring buds - Acer rubrum
MP08-001c Sugar Maple - seeds - Acer saccharum
MP06-010b Red Maple emerging leaves,...
MP06-008a Red Maple female flowers - Acer rubrum
MP05-002a Sugar Maple - flowers - Acer saccharum
MP02-007a Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
LF15-003p Norway Maple - new leaves, spring -...
LF15-002c Norway Maple - new leaves, spring -...
TT13-015d White Birch - paper birch, catkins -...
TT13-009c White Birch - paper birch - Betula spp.
TT13-008a White Birch - paper birch - Betula spp.
TT04-002a American Elm - dying of Dutch Elm...
SO01-004a Staghorn Sumac - over wintered...
PW07-004a Pussy Willow - pistillate flowers...
PW05-001a Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
AU20-001b Falling maple leaves, autumn - Acer...
AU17-001t Maple leaves - Acer spp. - autumn
AU13-005c Autumn leaves along stream
WT05-510z Maine forest scene with snow cover
WT05-507z Maine forest scene with snow cover
MT02-087a Forest, Acadia National Park, Maine
MT02-016b Forest - path, white birch, Acadia...
MT02-014a Forest - path, white birch, Acadia...
KN07-023d Forest - autumn, Mt. Kineo, Maine
KN07-002a Forest - autumn, Mt. Kineo, Maine
BX06-001z Forest - looking down from Mt....
BX01-006z Forest - Baxter State Park, Maine,...
TT18-055a Oak - acorn germinating, roots, soil...
TT18-051d Oak - immature acorns - Quercus spp.
TT18-050a Oak - mature tree and young tree -...
TT18-047b Oak - female flowers - Quercus spp.
TT18-045d Oak - acorn germinating - Quercus spp.
TT18-044d Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
TT18-041a Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
TT18-037d Oak - fibrous roots, root hairs -...
TT18-031c Oak - flowers, young leaves -...
TT18-030a Oak - male catkins and leaves -...
TT18-029a Oak - catkins, new leaves - Quercus...
TT18-025b Oak - seed germinating - Quercus spp.
TT18-023f Oak - young tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-022a Oak - seedling, young tree - Quercus...
TT18-014b Oak - tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-009b Oak - tree - Quercus spp.
TT11-005d Oak - cross section of oak tree -...
AU09-004a Oak - fall leaves near stream.
TT12-049z Red Maple - winter - Acer rubrum
TT12-048z Red Maple - fall foliage - Acer rubrum
TT12-045z Red Maple - spring, in flower - Acer...
TT12-043z Red Maple - fall foliage - Acer rubrum
TT12-034b Red Maple - seedling, seed coat -...
TT12-007a Red Maple - spring, new leaves -...
MP10-004a Red Maple - seeds blowing from tree,...
MP08-007a Sugar Maple - seeds - Acer saccharum
MP08-006b Sugar Maple - seeds - Acer saccharum
MP06-017a Red Maple flower buds - Acer rubrum
MP06-014b Red Maple female flowers - Acer rubrum
MP06-007a Red Maple male flowers - Acer rubrum
MP05-001c Sugar Maple - flowers - Acer saccharum
MP02-504z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
MP02-012z Sugar Maple - seedlings, seed coats...
MP02-006a Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
MP02-004e Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
TT13-018a White Birch - paper birch, catkins...
TT13-016c White Birch - paper birch, catkins -...
TT13-002b Gray Birch - bark and tree trunk -...
SO01-074x Staghorn Sumac - leaves autumn...
SO01-051x Staghorn Sumac - flower and leaves -...
PW15-002c Pollen cells of Pussywillow - Salix...
PW08-001c Pussy Willow - pistillate flowers...
PW07-002e Pussy Willow - pistillate flowers...
PW05-021b Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
PW05-002c Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
PW04-009a Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
PW02-012z Pussy willow, catkin buds - Salix spp.
PW02-010a Pussy willow, catkin buds - Salix spp.
PW02-003z Pussy willow, catkin buds - Salix spp.
PW01-006b Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
PW01-005c Pussy Willow - spring, staminate...
MP09-001z Red maple leaves in autumn - Acer...
AU20-005h Falling maple leaves, autumn - Acer...
AU13-028z Fallen maple leaves on forest floor,...
AU13-027z Fallen leaf on moss, autumn
AU13-019a Fallen maple leaves on forest floor...
AU13-017b Fallen maple leaves on forest floor
AU13-014a Maple leaves (maple) on fern -autumn
AU13-006a Autumn leaves along stream
AU07-002a Maple leaves in autumn
WF20-001z Baxter State Park, Maine - Sandy...
BX01-002a Baxter State Park, Maine - Katahdin...
WF12-002z Rapids near Baxter State Park, Maine...
AC07-002a Bubble Pond - Acadia National Park,...
WT09-001a Forest - winter
WT05-523z Maine forest scene with snow cover
WT05-515z Maine forest scene with snow cover
WT05-506z Maine forest scene with snow cover
MT02-019b Forest, Acadia National Park, Maine
MT02-018d Forest, Acadia National Park, Maine
MT01-001a Forest - pond near top of Tumbledown...
KN07-030b Forest - autumn, Mt. Kineo, Maine
KN07-018c Forest - Mt. Kineo, Maine
AU09-009z Forest - autumn, pond
AC25-001b Forest - Acadia National Park, Maine
TT18-043z Oak Tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-042z Oak Tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-039b Oak - seedling - soil profile,...
TT18-035b Oak - seed germinating, acorn
TT18-028c Oak tree - spring - Quercus spp.
TT18-026z Oak - catkins, new leaves - Quercus...
TT18-026a Oak - catkins, male flowers...
TT18-020c Oak - young tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-018c White Oak - seedling - Quercus alba
TT18-015b White Oak - Quercus alba
TT18-005c Oak - acorn, oak seed - Quercus spp.
TT18-004b Oak - acorn, oak seed - Quercus spp.
TT12-040z Red Maple - spring, in flower - Acer...
TT12-033b Red Maple - seedling, young tree -...
TT12-030a Red Maple - Acer rubrum
TT12-023a Sugar Maple - autumn foliage - Acer...
TT12-008z Red Maple - winter - Acer rubrum
TT12-004b Red Maple - spring, new leaves -...
MP10-001a Red Maple - seedlings, young trees -...
MP09-002a Red Maple leaves - Acer rubrum
MP07-012b Norway Maple - new leaves, sun,...
MP07-008a Norway Maple - seeds - Acer platanoides
MP07-001c Norway Maple - seeds - Acer platanoides
MP06-006d Red Maple male flowers - Acer rubrum
MP06-005b Red Maple male flowers - Acer rubrum
MP02-506z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
MP02-500z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
MP02-008a Maple - seedling of red maple, seed...
MP02-005z Sugar Maple - seedlings - Acer...
LF15-001f Norway Maple - new leaves, spring -...
TT20-502z Toba Hawthorn Tree in bloom,...
TT20-500z Toba Hawthorn Tree in bloom,...
TT13-017d White Birch - paper birch, catkins...
TT13-005c Yellow Birch - trunk and bark -...
TT01-038d White Oak - close-up of bark, trunk...
SO01-061x Staghorn Sumac - flower and leaves,...
SO01-002x Staghorn Sumac - summer - Rhus typhina
PW14-004a Pussy Willow - seeds blowing, seed...
PW12-015z Child with pussy willows - Salix...
PW03-001d Pussy Willow - staminate flowers -...
PW01-004c Pussy Willow - spring - Salix spp.
MG01-002b Magnolia flower - Soulange magnolia...
AU13-010c Fallen autumn leaves in rain
WT09-011b Forest - winter
MT02-015c Forest - path, white birch, Acadia...
MT02-013b Forest - path, white birch, Acadia...
MT02-002a Forest - summer, Acadia National...
MT01-006z Forest - child near top of...
MT01-002z Forest - child near top of...
KN07-029z Forest - autumn, Mt. Kineo, Maine
AU09-006d Forest - trees in autumn
AU09-005d Forest - autumn, at the base of Mt....