Search Results
Your search yielded 411 images
0101-1002 Pair of Canada Geese Feeding in Corn...
0101-1001 Pair of Canada Geese Feeding in Corn...
0101-1003 Pair of Canada Geese Feeding in Corn...
MA11-037z White-tailed Deer - fawn camouflaged...
MA11-034z White-tailed Deer - fawn camouflaged...
HS05-022b Potato - field of potato plants in...
HS37-013b Cabbage - variety in field - Savoy...
HS37-012c Cabbage - variety in field - Savoy...
HS24-088c Pumpkin - in garden - Connecticut...
HS05-034b Potato - field of potato plants in...
CR04-005a Corn - field
OR05-033a Cricket - field cricket - Gryllus spp.
OR05-032a Cricket - field cricket - Gryllus spp.
HS37-039b Cabbage - in field
HS37-035b Cabbage - variety in field
HS37-014a Cabbage - variety in field - Savoy...
HS37-003c Cabbages growing in a field
HS24-089f Pumpkin - in garden - Connecticut...
HS24-088b Pumpkin - growing in garden -...
HS05-027c Potato - field of potato plants in...
HS05-023b Potato -field of potato plants in...
MK16-004d Milkweed - field of milkweed plants...
MK16-003e Milkweed - field of milkweed plants...
MK16-002e Milkweed - field of milkweed plants...
MK01-033z Milkweed - field of milkweed, seed...
HS56-002a Corn - scarecrow in corn field
HS56-001b Corn - scarecrow in corn field
OR05-028z Cricket - field cricket - Gryllus spp.
MD07-030b Meadow - autumn, field of wild asters
RA01-516z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
RA01-506z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
RA01-504z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
0510-1129 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1123 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1105 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1104 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
TT18-065z Oak - in winter - Quercus spp.
TT18-027d Oak - tree - Quercus spp.
MK25-002c Milkweed - seed pods - Asclepias...
MK24-005b Milkweed - seed germination,...
MK18-001c Milkweed - close-up pollinium,...
LF15-003p Norway Maple - new leaves, spring -...
0108-0903 Dames Rocket (Damask Violet or...
CR06-003c Corn - Silver Queen variety
CR01-007b Corn - Lancelot variety
CR01-004c Corn - seed germinating, soil...
AT01-010b Apple Tree - spring blossoms
FX03-031z Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes
FX03-006z Red Fox - several months old -...
MU30-273z Meadow Vole - Microtus pennsylvanicus
MU30-170z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-147z Meadow Vole - eating dandelion...
MU30-116z Meadow Vole - eating bark of apple...
MU30-097z Meadow Vole - in burrow along...
MU30-016z Meadow Vole - 24 hour old young -...
MU30-010z Meadow Vole - Microtus pennsylvanicus
MU30-003z Meadow Vole - several weeks old,...
MU06-001d Meadow Vole -winter runways seen...
MA22-034z White-tailed Deer - male (buck) with...
MA11-075z White-tailed Deer - fawn with boy -...
MA11-049z White-tailed Deer - fawn running in...
MA11-010z White-tailed Deer - fawn -...
SH04-026z Cow - herd of Jersey cows
SH04-021z Cow - Jersey cows
SH04-010z Cow - Jersey cow
0512-0905 Pair of Sheep, Dorset Ewes, Ovis...
0512-0901 Herd of Sheep Running in Pasture,...
0508-0904 Cow (Cattle) Grazing in Pasture in...
MD11-037b Meadow - wild flowers
MD07-031a Meadow - wild flowers
MD05-019z Meadow - thunderstorm, rainbow
HS53-001a Meadow - wild flowers
0510-1130 Killdeer Eggs in Ground Nest,...
0510-1128 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1127 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1126 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1125 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1124 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1122 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1121 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1119 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1118 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1116 Killdeer Eggs in Ground Nest,...
0510-1114 Killdeer, Adult Sitting on Eggs,...
0510-1109 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1108 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1107 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1106 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1103 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
0510-1102 Killdeer, Adult Cooling Eggs in Hot...
TT18-043z Oak Tree - Quercus spp.
TT18-028c Oak tree - spring - Quercus spp.
TT18-015b White Oak - Quercus alba
TT18-009b Oak - tree - Quercus spp.
MK25-004a Milkweed - seed pods formed in pairs...
MK24-001b Milkweed - seed germinating,...
MK23-006e Milkweed - young plants - Asclepias...
MK23-004h Milkweed - seedlings - Asclepias...
MK22-002c Milkweed - milky fluid - Asclepias...
MK19-004b Milkweed - flower opening -...
MK19-003e Milkweed - flower opening -...
MK19-002e Milkweed - flower opening -...
MK17-011m Milkweed - flower - Asclepias syriaca
MK17-008i Milkweed - plant in bloom- Asclepias...
MK17-006e Milkweed - plant in bloom- Asclepias...
MK17-002c Milkweed - flowers - Asclepias syriaca
MK14-001d Milkweed - meal of stems, pods,...
MK11-017d Milkweed - close-up pollinium,...
MK10-009c Milkweed - flowers close-up -...
MK10-003a Milkweed - flowers close-up -...
MK09-001f Milkweed - young plants - Asclepias...
MK07-006z Milkweed - seed dispersal, blowing...
MK01-034z Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-029z Milkweed - child watching seed...
MK01-029b Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-027c Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-026a Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
FA27-096z Milkweed - boys catching monarch...
MP07-012b Norway Maple - new leaves, sun,...
MP07-001c Norway Maple - seeds - Acer platanoides
LF15-002c Norway Maple - new leaves, spring -...
GR08-008a Grass - soil profile showing roots
GR05-036c Grass - flowers
GR05-031a Grass
1G08-009a Grass - soil profile showing roots
1G05-038g Grass - blades and flowers
1G05-028d Grass - blades and flowers
1G05-019z Grass - flowers
1G05-015b Grass - dew
HS63-043x Buckwheat - cover crop - Fagopyrum...
HS63-026z Spring Polk Hard Red Wheat -...
HS63-025z Spring Polk Hard Red Wheat -...
HS63-022z Spring Polk hard Red Wheat -...
HS59-001z Spring Polk Wheat - Triticum aestivum
FD13-002z Goldenrod - Solidago spp
FD11-005b Orange Hawkweed - flowers and seeds...
FB08-501z Ground-ivy, Glechoma hederacea
FB08-500z Ground-ivy, Glechoma hederacea
FB05-003a Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB05-002z Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB04-011b Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB04-009b Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
0108-0902 Dames Rocket (Damask Violet or...
EV06-005e White Pine - Pinus strobus
EV06-004z White Pine - Pinus strobus
MD06-009b Dandelion - spring meadow in flower...
MD06-006a Dandelion - meadow in spring with...
MD06-001b Dandelion - lone flower in a meadow...
MD03-037b Dandelion - spring meadow in flower...
MD03-030z Dandelion - child picking dandelions...
SE10-001c Corn - seeds
CR25-011x Corn - popped corn with corn kernels
CR25-010x Corn - popped corn
CR25-007x Corn - popped corn
CR07-009a Corn - kernels, Lancelot variety
CR07-001c Corn - Silver Queen variety
CR04-007a Corn
CR04-006z Corn
CR04-006a Corn
CR04-001a Corn - North Extra Sweet variety
CR01-006c Corn - seed germinating, soil...
CR01-005d Corn - seedling germinating
CR01-001z Corn - seedling soil profile showing...
SR09-007d Weather - rainbow
SR09-004z Weather - double rainbow after storm
SR05-001z Weather - foggy morning
FX03-019z Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes
FX03-016z Red Fox - several months old -...
MU34-027z Prairie Vole - Microtus ochrogaster
MU34-016z Meadow Vole - eating leaves -...
MU34-013z Prairie Vole - Microtus ochrogaster
MU34-010z Prairie Vole - Microtus ochrogaster
MU30-510z Meadow Vole tunnels and nest visible...
MU30-503z Meadow Vole tunnels and nest visible...
MU30-501z Meadow Vole tunnels and nest visible...
MU30-257z Meadow Vole - Microtus pennsylvanicus
MU30-255z Meadow Vole - Microtus pennsylvanicus
MU30-250z Meadow Vole - eating leaves -...
MU30-249z Meadow Vole - eating leaves -...
MU30-224a Meadow Vole -damage to apple tree...
MU30-222z Meadow Vole - 15 day old young -...
MU30-202z Meadow Vole - 15 day old young -...
MU30-182z Meadow Vole - eating dandelions -...
MU30-177z Meadow Vole - eating dandelion...
MU30-172z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-168z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-156z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-138z Meadow Vole -drinking from pool of...
MU30-137z Meadow Vole - eating dandelions -...
MU30-122z Meadow Vole - eating bark of apple...
MU30-106z Meadow Vole girdling [eating the...
MU30-100z Meadow Vole - in burrow along...
MU30-099z Meadow Vole - in burrow along...
MU30-098z Meadow Vole - in burrow along...
MU30-082z Meadow Vole - adult - Microtus...
MU30-075z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-074z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-072z Meadow Vole - eating strawberries -...
MU30-044z Meadow Vole - with 128 hour old...
MU30-033z Meadow Vole - with 128 hour old...
MU30-030z Meadow Vole - with 36 hour old young...
MU30-029z Meadow Vole - with 36 hour old young...
MU30-015z Meadow Vole - with 36 hour old young...
MU30-013z Meadow Vole - Microtus pennsylvanicus
MU30-008z Meadow Vole - several weeks old,...
MD04-016z Meadow Vole - girl looking at vole...
MA11-064z White-tailed Deer - fawn -...
MA11-062z White-tailed Deer - fawn -...
MA11-052b White-tailed Deer - orphaned fawn...
MA11-050z White-tailed Deer - fawn -...
MA11-033z White-tailed Deer - fawn -...
MA11-028x White-tailed Deer - male -...
MA04-024z Woodchuck - Marmota monax
MA04-018z Woodchuck - sitting up looking for...
MA04-017z Woodchuck - sitting up looking for...
SH04-022z Cow
SH04-018z Cow - Jersey cows
SH04-012z Cow - Jersey close-up of eyes, note...
SH04-009z Cow - grazing, Jersey cow
SH04-006z Cow - grazing, Jersey cows
SH01-042z Sheep -herd
SH01-041z Sheep - herd grazing
SH01-033z Sheep- herd
SH01-029z Sheep - herd
SH01-001z Sheep - herd
1220-0904 Hereford Beef Cattle, British breed...
1220-0903 Hereford Beef Cattle, British breed...
1220-0901 Charolais Beef Cattle, French breed...
0512-0907 Sheep, Dorset Ewe, Ovis aries ©...
0512-0904 Pair of Sheep, Dorset Ewes, Ovis...
0512-0903 Sheep Feeding at Trough, Dorset...
0512-0902 Herd of Sheep Running in Pasture,...
0511-0901 Cows (Cattle) Grazing in Pasture in...
0508-0903 Cow (Cattle) Grazing in Pasture in...
0508-0902 Cow (Cattle) Grazing in Pasture in...
0508-0901 Cow (Cattle) Grazing in Pasture in...
FO03-510z Meadow Vole tunnel entrance with...
FO03-507z Meadow Vole tunnel entrance with...
1I01-006b Ice storm, winter, ice covered trees
1I01-005b Ice storm, winter, ice covered trees
SC01-030z Plant succession meadow - 4th stage,...
SC01-029z Plant succession meadow - 3rd stage,...
SC01-028z Meadow - plant succession meadow -...
MD11-039a Meadow - hawkweed - Hieracium spp
MD11-038c Meadow - hawkweed - Hieracium spp
MD11-004a Meadow - wild flowers
MD11-003z Meadow- wild flowers
MD08-007z Meadow - groundhog
MD07-037b Meadow - small shrubs growing to...
MD07-035b Meadow - wild flowers