Search Results
Your search yielded 184 images
SH05-001z Goat - girl feeding kid in meadow
MA01-046z Black Bear - teenage girl holding...
MA01-005z Black Bear - teenage girl holding...
BA17-008z Barn Swallow - girl watching young...
BA17-005z Barn Swallow - girl watching young...
FK06-004z Common Flicker - girl in...
FK05-014z Common Flicker - girl examining...
FK05-010z Common Flicker - girl looking at...
MD04-016z Meadow Vole - girl looking at vole...
MB20-001x Star-nosed Mole - girl looking at...
1M17-209z Praying Mantis nymph being looked at...
DT09-008a Forest - girl holding handful of...
DT02-046z Forest - girl collecting organisms...
FK05-005z Common Flicker - girl looking at...
FK05-001z Common Flicker - girl looking in...
1M17-119z Pray Mantis on girl's shoulder -...
DT02-053z Forest - girl and boy collecting...
DT01-002z Forest - girl collecting organisms...
DT01-001z Forest - girl collecting organisms...
FK07-002z Common Flicker - girl in...
FK05-004z Common Flicker - girl with woman...
DT01-004z Forest - girl collecting organisms...
BH22-003x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
MA01-053z Black Bear - girl holding tagged cub...
BF01-001z Bird feeder - girl putting seeds in...
TT19-048z Girl mixing fertilizer for planting...
HS17-030z Girl transplanting broccoli...
HS11-002z Girl turning compost in compost bin
HS10-001z Girl looking at garden soil
HB07-058x Girl putting fabric row covering in...
BH22-040x Bubbles- girl looking at bubbles in...
BH22-025x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH22-024x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH22-001x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH01-004z Bubbles - girl making bubbles
1C34-002z Ladybug on flower (Mont Blanc) being...
LE26-037z Cecropia Moth - girl touching adult...
ON03-018z Ocean - girl exploring tidepool on...
ON03-006z Ocean - girl exploring tidepool on...
ON03-004z Ocean - girl sitting on rocky beach...
ON03-001z Ocean - girl exploring tidepool on...
AC35-004z Girl collecting specimens at salt marsh
BD02-005z Burdocks - girl with burdock seeds...
BF01-006z Bird feeder - girl putting seeds in...
HS17-012z Broccoli - girl in garden planting...
HS09-026b Tomato - early girl variety.
TT19-059z Girl filling hole, planting tree -...
TT19-053z Girl watering planted tree -...
TT19-051z Girl staking planted tree -...
TT19-050z Girl tamping soil, planting...
HS18-132z Girl picking flowers, marigolds -...
HS18-098z Girl picking marigold flowers -...
FA15-003z Girl harvesting peas in vegetable...
MD03-006z Dandelion - Girl picking dandelions...
DN09-004z Dandelion - girl blowing seeds -...
BH22-076x Bubbles - girl putting clothes in...
BH22-016x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH22-014x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH22-012x Bubbles - girl making bubbles
BH22-011x Bubbles - girl catching bubbles
ON06-032z Crab - girl finding crab shell in...
ON06-029z Crab - girl find crab in tidepool.
1Y08-130z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-101z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-090z Land Snail - girl finding snail
1Y08-089z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-063z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-060z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
ON03-005z Ocean - girl exploring tidepool on...
AC35-006z Girl collecting specimens at salt marsh
AC35-005z Girl collecting drift wood at salt...
AC35-002z Girl collecting specimens at salt marsh
AC35-001z Girl collecting specimens at salt marsh
MT01-005z Pond on top of Tumbledown Mt., Maine,...
TT19-044z Girl with leaf collection looking at...
TT19-043z Girl with leaf collection looking at...
PM04-008z Plant experiment - girl looking at...
PM03-008z Plant experiment - girl putting...
FA11-004z Taste - girl eating carrot, healthy...
HS18-154z Girl examining flowers in garden -...
AC35-007z Girl collecting specimens at salt marsh
FA27-073z Girl collecting frog at pond
1Y08-098z Minority Child with Western Garden...
1M17-011z Child looking at Chinese praying...
SN47-009a Teenager with hurt feelings, gesture
1R24-502z Child looking at Painted Turtle with...
1R14-524z Child looking at Painted Turtle,...
1R14-501z Child looking at Painted Turtle -...
HS24-214z Pumpkin - children with jack-o-lanterns
HS05-010z Potato - child planting potato,...
TT19-056z Planting flowering plum tree -...
HS18-051z Child raking garden in preparation...
HS18-036z Child picking flowers, marigolds -...
HB03-151x Child with marigold seedlings ready...
MD03-030z Dandelion - child picking dandelions...
BH22-123x Bubbles - children at birthday party...
BH01-006x Bubbles - children making bubbles in...
FA30-005a Forest - child hiking on path
FA38-501z Learning to save money, Photo Release...
FA38-500z Learning to save money, Photo Release...
1M17-006x Child looking at Chinese praying...
SN47-030z Face gesture -smirky, silly face, child
SN47-005z Teenager with hurt feelings, facial...
SN17-001z Taste - Child with dinner
DW05-014z Child looking a spider web
DW05-002z Dew covered spider web, Garden...
1Y08-060p Child looking at Crab Spider on...
1R24-505z Child looking at Painted Turtle with...
1R24-500z Child looking at Painted Turtle with...
1R14-527z Child looking at Painted Turtle,...
1R14-510z Child looking at Painted Turtle -...
1R14-500z Child looking at Painted Turtle -...
HS24-333z Pumpkin - children with jack-o-lanterns
HS24-323z Pumpkin - children with jack-o-lanterns
HS24-210z Pumpkin - children with jack-o-lanterns
HS05-006z Potato - child planting potatoes
HS05-005z Potato - child planting potato,...
HS18-044z Child picking flowers - marigolds -...
HS18-041z Child with marigolds - Tagetes spp.
HS18-040z Child watering marigolds in garden -...
HB03-086x Child at compost pile
PW12-015z Child with pussy willows - Salix...
BH22-189x Bubbles - children washing dishes
BH22-187x Bubbles - children washing dishes
BH22-182x Bubbles - children washing dishes
BH22-144x Bubbles - children watching bubbles...
BH22-072x Bubbles hand holding bubbles
BH22-056x Bubbles - children blowing bubbles...
BH22-055x Bubbles - children blowing bubbles...
BH22-034x Bubbles - children blowing bubbles...
MB20-011c Star-nosed Mole - children looking...
SH01-027z Sheep -child with sheep.
1C34-001z Ladybug on child's arm
FA27-141z Children exploring at pond
FA27-131z Children exploring at pond
FA27-129z Children exploring at pond
FA27-124z Children exploring at pond
FA27-121z Children exploring at pond
FA27-078a Children collecting animals at pond
FA27-075z Child collecting animals at pond
MD02-006z Meadow - child exploring
MD02-003z Meadow - mother and child examining...
MT01-006z Forest - child near top of...
MT01-002z Forest - child near top of...
FA30-011c Forest - children hiking on path
DT09-017z Forest - children walking on...
SD08-038x Slime Mold - children looking at...
BH01-005z Food - Children drinking milk, lunch
FA38-512z Learning to save money, Photo Release...
FA09-016z Child showing missing tooth
1M17-261z Children feeding grasshopper to...
1M17-260z Children feeding grasshopper to...
1M17-211z Child looking at Chinese praying...
1M17-202z Child looking at Chinese praying...
1M17-201z Child looking at Chinese praying...
SN48-003z Genetics - child rolling tongue -...
SN48-001z Genetics - child rolling tongue -...
TO02-006a Taste - child eating cold ice cream
TO01-002z Taste - eating sweet lollipop
SN47-031z Child - face gesture - sad, hurt...
SN47-029z Facial gesture - sad expression,...
SN47-021z Child expressing joy, happiness,...
SN47-014z Teenager with hand gesture - victory...
SN47-013z Teenager with hand gesture - "Keep...
SN25-003z Sense of touch - cold receptors
SN17-005z Taste - child eating dinner.
SN04-004z Sight - child using binoculars to...
SN04-001z Sight - child using binoculars to...
FA07-004z Child tasting ice - temperature cold
FA01-044z Child smelling flower
BG03-005z Children using binoculars to see in...
TT19-047z Planting a tree - flowering plum -...
HS18-133z Child at compost pile
BH22-193x Bubbles - child washing dishes
FA27-079b Children collecting animals at pond
FA38-502z Learning to save money, Photo Release...
FA09-010z Child showing missing tooth
TO02-012z Taste - child eating cold ice cream
1M17-269z Praying Mantis being studied by two...
AN10-026z Ant - children collecting ants at...
0104-1208 Girl Holding Caribbean Hermit Crab...
0104-1207 Girl Holding Caribbean Hermit Crab...
SH05-012z Goat - kids being held by girl, Nubians
1K10-001z Killdeer - young girl holding 1-2...