Search Results
Your search yielded 154 images
HS23-008z Asexual Reproduction - boy observing...
BG03-005z Children using binoculars to see in...
AN10-019c Ant - ant home
SN04-001z Sight - child using binoculars to...
BG03-003z Boy using binoculars to increase his...
1K10-001z Killdeer - young girl holding 1-2...
AN10-025c Ant - ant colony
AN10-013c Ant - ant home
SN04-004z Sight - child using binoculars to...
HS10-001z Girl looking at garden soil
1M17-011z Child looking at Chinese praying...
1M17-006x Child looking at Chinese praying...
FK05-010z Common Flicker - girl looking at...
CA18-046z Pitcher Plant - boy examining plant
CA18-037z Pitcher Plant - boy looking into plant
1M17-202z Child looking at Chinese praying...
FK06-004z Common Flicker - girl in...
FK05-014z Common Flicker - girl examining...
FK05-005z Common Flicker - girl looking at...
MK01-029z Milkweed - child watching seed...
CA18-047z Pitcher Plant - boy examining plant
CA18-042z Pitcher Plant - boy examining plant
MB20-011c Star-nosed Mole - children looking...
MB20-001x Star-nosed Mole - girl looking at...
FA27-170z Child watching newly hatched chick
FA27-169z Child watching newly hatched chick
FA27-168z Child watching newly hatched chick
1M17-261z Children feeding grasshopper to...
1M17-260z Children feeding grasshopper to...
1M17-211z Child looking at Chinese praying...
1M17-201z Child looking at Chinese praying...
FK07-002z Common Flicker - girl in...
FK05-004z Common Flicker - girl with woman...
FK05-001z Common Flicker - girl looking in...
TT16-003d Knot on pine board
PZ02-004z Clover seedling - leaves, stem, tap...
MU58-002z Burdock seed on white-footed mouse...
LF05-003a Poison Ivy - growing between rocks -...
HS39-005a Daffodil - soil profile showing...
HS33-005b Pea - root nodules containing...
FY14-005z Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
BD03-002a Burdocks - burdock seeds on glove,...
BA17-005z Barn Swallow - girl watching young...
TT19-035z Roots of tree exposed along ground
SE16-001b Rice seeds -wild rice
DW05-002z Dew covered spider web, Garden...
MD04-016z Meadow Vole - girl looking at vole...
1Y08-130z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-063z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1M17-269z Praying Mantis being studied by two...
1M17-209z Praying Mantis nymph being looked at...
1C34-002z Ladybug on flower (Mont Blanc) being...
LE26-060z Cecropia Moth - boy touching adult...
LE26-037z Cecropia Moth - girl touching adult...
TU03-001c Kiwi fruit cut in half to show seeds
TT16-006a Wood section -radial, showing grains...
TT01-001a Tree Trunk - bark
SH24-018z Burdock - seeds on English Springer...
SE15-002b Papaya fruit cut to show seeds
SE15-001b Avocado seed and sliced fruit
SE06-003b Root hairs
SE04-001b Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
PM03-008z Plant experiment - girl putting...
MP03-001d Maple Leaf - veins showing netting...
LL07-004c Plant experiment - clipping...
HS69-172x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-100x Plant experiment - corn seeds...
HS69-096x Plant experiment - corn seed...
HS69-043x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS45-007d Dahlia - in UV light simulating...
HS45-004b Dwarf Dahlia - fully opened flower...
HS45-003d Dwarf Dahlia - bud opening (bud...
HS39-002a Daffodil - whole palnt soil profile...
HS14-012a Marigold - normal (wilt series - see...
HS08-003a Tulip - entire plant soil profile,...
HS03-001b Arboricola - whorled leaf...
HS02-007z Cactus - close-up of spines -...
FY14-003a Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
FP04-017z Rose - leaf showing opposite leaf...
FD01-022c Black-Eyed Susan opening -shows...
BD05-005z Burdocks - burdock seeds on dog,...
BD04-013a Burdocks - close-up of hooks that...
BD04-001z Burdocks - burdock seeds on young...
BD03-001a Burdocks - burdock seeds on glove,...
BD02-005z Burdocks - girl with burdock seeds...
AU08-018a Red Maple Leaf - close-up showing...
0106-1202 Coconut Palm Palm Germinating on...
0106-1201 Coconut Palm Palm Germinating on...
BA17-008z Barn Swallow - girl watching young...
TT19-011b Plant experiment - Celery in colored...
DW05-014z Child looking a spider web
1Y08-060p Child looking at Crab Spider on...
1Y39-040b Water Snail - habitat for keeping...
1Y39-003c Snail - habitat for keeping snail
1Y08-101z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-090z Land Snail - girl finding snail
1Y08-089z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1Y08-060z Land Snail - girl finding snail on...
1M17-119z Pray Mantis on girl's shoulder -...
1C34-001z Ladybug on child's arm
LE26-033z Cecropia Moth on house screen, boy...
TU03-002e Kiwi fruit cut in half to show seeds
TT19-044z Girl with leaf collection looking at...
TT19-043z Girl with leaf collection looking at...
TT19-018c Plant Experiment - carnation in...
TT19-009d Plant Experiment - carnation in...
TT16-008z Knot in wood
TT16-007b Wood section - tangential - Oak
TT16-001d Knots on pine boards
SE18-002b Mixed vegetable seeds
SE18-001a Mixed vegetable seeds
SE17-001z Horse Chestnut seeds
SE12-004z Plant Experiment - showing...
SE06-002b Bean - root hairs
SE04-003a Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
SE01-002b Peanut seed - showing stored food,...
PM04-008z Plant experiment - girl looking at...
MU58-003z Burdock seed on white-footed mouse...
LF13-001c Fern Leaf - alternate leaf arrangement
LF09-001a Lily leaf - monocot, showing...
LF05-002d Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron radicans
HS69-093x Plant experiment - seeds germinating...
HS69-071z Peas soaking and swelling
HS69-051x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-045x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-040x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS45-006b Dahlia - in normal light - (see...
HS45-002c Dwarf Dahlia - bud (bud opening seq....
HS39-004a Daffodil - soil profile showing...
HS33-016b Pea - root nodules containing...
HS33-003a Pea - root nodules containing...
HS30-052f Bean - seed germination from pushing...
HS14-019b Marigold - seedling germination...
HS14-017z Marigold - seedling soil profile...
HS14-013a Marigold - wilted (wilt series - see...
HS02-003a Cactus - close-up of spines -...
HS02-002a Dog-tail Cactus - spines for...
FY14-001a Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
FW08-001z Four Leaf Clover
BD04-015a Burdocks - close-up of seeds with...
BD04-014a Burdocks - close-up of seeds with...
BD03-012z Burdocks - burdock seeds on child's...
BD03-011z Burdocks - burdock seeds on child's...
AU08-019c Red Maple Leaf - close-up showing...
AU08-017c Red Maple Leaf - close-up showing...
PM04-009z Plant experiment -celery leaves with...
HS69-155x Plant experiment - set up for corn...
HS69-004z Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS33-004a Pea - root nodules containing...
HS30-047f Bean - seed germination from pushing...
FY05-002c - Day Lily -yellow flower showing...
HU14-018x Ruby-throated Hummingbird - boy...
HU14-048x Ruby-throated Hummingbird - boy...
HU14-041x Ruby-throated Hummingbird - boy...