Search Results
Your search yielded 113 images
HS73-504z Garden Bench in Perennial Garden
HS73-500z Garden Bench in Perennial Garden
HS73-503z Garden Bench in Perennial Garden
HS73-501z Garden Bench in Perennial Garden
HS73-502z Garden Bench in Perennial Garden
1222-0902 Colombine Flower, Herbaceous...
1222-0904 Colombine Flower, Herbaceous...
1222-0903 Colombine Flower Bud [left] and Open...
1222-0901 Colombine Flower, Herbaceous...
1222-0905 Wild Beach Pea (Sea Pea) Flowers,...
GR09-500z Ornamental Grasses in Perennial...
HS20-007a Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
HS20-009a Asparagus - harvested, perennial -...
HS20-003c Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
HS20-011a Asparagus - harvested, perennial -...
HS20-010a Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
HS20-008a Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
HS20-006b Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
HS20-005c Asparagus - harvested, perennial -...
HS20-003a Asparagus - new shoots, perennial -...
FB04-503z Lupine Flowers, Lupinus perennis
FB03-512z Lupin seedlings, Lupinus perennis.
FB04-501z Lupine Flowers, Lupinus perennis
FB03-500z Lupin seedlings, Lupinus perennis.
FB04-504z Lupine Flowers, Lupinus perennis
FB03-515z Lupin seedlings, Lupinus perennis.
FB05-003a Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB05-002z Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB04-009b Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB04-011b Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FB04-007c Wild Lupine - seed pod - Lupinus...
FB04-006a Wild Lupine - seed pod - Lupinus...
FB04-003b Wild Lupine - Lupinus perennis
FY18-501z Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus
FY18-502z Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus corniculatus
LL01-502z Painted trillium or painted lady,...
IR03-500z Wild Iris, Blue Flag, Fleur-de-lis,...
FY15-523z rough-fruited cinquefoil, Potentilla...
FY15-500z Common cinquefoil, Chichorium intybus
RA01-516z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
RA01-506z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
RA01-504z Common buttercup, meadow buttercup,...
LL01-500z Painted trillium or painted lady,...
FY17-500z Yellow wood sorrel, Oxalis stricta
FY15-503z Common cinquefoil, Chichorium intybus
FY15-502z Common cinquefoil, Chichorium intybus
FW10-501z Pearly everlasting, Anaphalis...
FW06-502z White Clover, Trifolium repens.
FW06-500z White Clover, Trifolium repens.
FB09-501z Healall or Selfheal, Prunella vulgaris
FB08-501z Ground-ivy, Glechoma hederacea
FB08-500z Ground-ivy, Glechoma hederacea
DN01-500z Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale
DW15-500z Rain Water collecting in concave leaf...
WP11-520z Engelmann's Arrowhead, Sagittaria...
IR03-502z Wild Iris, Blue Flag, Fleur-de-lis,...
FY15-527z rough-fruited cinquefoil, Potentilla...
FY15-524z rough-fruited cinquefoil, Potentilla...
FY15-501z Common cinquefoil, Chichorium intybus
FD13-506z Canadian Goldenrod, Solidago canadensis
FD11-500z Mouse-eared Hawkweed, Hieracium...
FB11-500z Chicory flower, Chichorium intybus
FB10-500z Dwarf Larkspur, Delphinium tricorne
FB09-506z Healall or Selfheal, Prunella vulgaris
1V11-501z Bunchberry, Cornus canadensis
DN01-504z Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale
FD13-503z Canadian Goldenrod, Solidago canadensis
FD11-501z Mouse-eared Hawkweed, Hieracium...
FB09-500z Healall or Selfheal, Prunella vulgaris
FW09-502z Lesser Stitchwort, Chickweed,...
WP11-511z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
DN11-008z Dandelion seed puff - wind blowing...
DN10-001a Dandelion - seed dropping off flower...
DN01-017c Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
DN01-004e Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale.
HS20-001a Asparagus - new shoots - Mary...
FP16-500z Obedient Plant, Physostegia...
FP15-500z Purple Coneflowers, Echinacea purpurea
WP11-510z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
WP11-507z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
VB02-500z Common Plantain, Plantago major
FW09-501z Lesser Stitchwort, Chickweed,...
FD13-003a Goldenrod - close-up - Solidago spp
FD13-002z Goldenrod - Solidago spp
MD11-006z Dandelion - seeds floating in air -...
DN10-003z Dandelion Seed Puff - wind blowing...
DN06-016z Dandelion - seeds blowing in the...
DN06-011a Dandelion - few seeds remaining on...
DN05-056x Dandelion - seedling showing tap...
DN04-002a Dandelion - flower gone to seeds -...
DN04-001z Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
DN03-121z Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
DN02-002a Dandelion - root structure -...
DN02-001c Dandelion - root structure -...
DN01-024c Dandelion Flowers Taraxacum officinale.
DN01-023a Dandelion flowers Taraxacum officinale.
DN01-022a Dandelion - bud and opened flowers -...
DN01-005c Dandelion flowers Taraxacum...
DN01-003z Dandelion - spring - Taraxacum...
DN01-027a Dandelion - flowers along road in...
FB03-548z Lupine seedling with dew drops on...
FB03-520z Lupine Seed planted in soil, Lupinus...
FB03-555z Lupine seedling, Lupinus perennis
FB03-544z Lupine seedling, Lupinus perennis
FB03-534z Lupine seed germinating in soil...
FB03-528z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-524z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-522z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-559z Lupine seed and seedlings showing...
FB03-554z Lupine seedling with dew drops on...
FB03-546z Lupine seedling with dew drops on...
FB03-525z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-517z Lupine Seed planted in soil, Lupinus...