Search Results
Your search yielded 43 images
FE02-001b Fern - prothallia growing in soil,...
FE15-015b Fern - prothallus (gametophyte) with...
FE06-006b Fern - sporophyte, sori containing...
FE06-001e Fern - sporophyte, underside showing...
SR14-001d Fern - growing in crevice of dead log
FE09-009b Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE09-008d Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE08-004c Fern - sori, sporophyte
FE08-002z Fern - sori, sporophyte
FE08-001c Fern - sori -spore indusium
FE07-016d Fern - autumn
FE07-003a Fern - autumn
FE06-007e Fern - separate sori structure,...
FE06-005c Fern - separate sori structure,...
FE06-004b Fern - sporophyte, underside showing...
FE04-516z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-509z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-506z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-500z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-013b Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE04-012a Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE04-009d Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE04-007a Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE03-002z Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE01-006z Fern - sporophyte stage
FE16-003a Fern - prothallus (gametophyte) with...
FE15-004c Fern - indusium and sporangia 100x
FE14-001a Fern - prothallium, gametophyte with...
FE08-003b Fern - sori, sporophyte
FE07-015a Fern - autumn
FE04-522z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-504z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
FE04-014e Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE04-008a Fern - opening, sporophyte
FE01-010z Fern - sporophyte stage
FE01-009c Fern - sporophyte stage
FE01-007b Fern - sporophyte stage
FE01-005a Fern - sporophyte stage
FE01-004z Fern - autumn
FE07-017c Fern - autumn
FE04-518z Christmas Fern Fiddleheads emerging...
DN01-027a Dandelion - flowers along road in...
FY12-003c Butter & Eggs - Linaria vulgaris