Search Results
Your search yielded 138 images
HS24-532z Pumpkin seedling just emerged from...
FB03-554z Lupine seedling with dew drops on...
TT18-037d Oak - fibrous roots, root hairs -...
ST05-001x Strawberry seedling showing leaves,...
HS16-071x Onion - tap roots - Purplette mini...
HS24-124a Pumpkin - germinating seedling...
HS05-019c Potato - fibrous roots
1G08-009a Grass - soil profile showing roots
CR01-006c Corn - seed germinating, soil...
CR01-001z Corn - seedling soil profile showing...
HS23-007a Asexual Reproduction - sweet potato...
HS23-006a Asexual Reproduction - sweet potato...
HS23-004c Asexual Reproduction - sweet potato...
TT19-035z Roots of tree exposed along ground
HS24-110b Pumpkin - seedling showing roots,...
HS24-039a Pumpkin - seedling showing roots,...
TT18-039b Oak - seedling - soil profile,...
CR08-002a Corn - prop roots
HS69-005a Asexual Reproduction - beet with...
HS14-017z Marigold - seedling soil profile...
TT19-034z Evergreen - dead tree showing root...
WP11-511z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
WP11-510z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
WP11-507z Broad-leaved arrowhead, Sagittaria...
HS16-102x Onion - bunching/scallion onions -...
HS16-064x Onion - soil profile of sweet mini...
HS05-016e Potato - growing underground
HS16-144x Onion - mini onion - Snow Baby Mini...
HS16-023x Onion - storage onions - Sweet...
HS05-040a Potato - red potatoes growing...
HS05-031a Potato - young plant showing growth...
HS05-030f Potato - developing underground
HS05-028a Potato - red potatoes growing...
HS05-026b Potato - eye sprouting
HS05-018a Potato - growing underground,...
HS69-012b Asexual Reproduction - carrot and...
1C08-008a June Beetle - larva, grub -...
1C08-006b June Beetle - larva, grub -...
HS16-149x Onion - mini onion - Snow Baby Mini...
HS24-126b Pumpkin - germinating seed
HS05-025z Potato - eye sprouting
HS13-022p Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS32-011x Radish - tap roots - Sora variety
HS12-016a Carrot - tap roots, Bolero variety
HS12-012x Carrot - tap roots, Artist variety
HS13-056b Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS13-023b Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS26-147d Pea - seedling showing fibrous...
HS26-017x Pea - fibrous roots, stem and leaves...
HS69-022x Asexual reproduction - avocado seed...
HS39-005a Daffodil - soil profile showing...
HS32-010a Radish - tap roots - Red Pak variety
HS32-009d Radish - tap roots - Red Pak variety
HS12-003x Carrot - tap roots, Nantes, Rondino...
HS13-030a Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS69-021c Asexual Reproduction - shoot planted...
HS39-002a Daffodil - whole palnt soil profile...
HS08-003a Tulip - entire plant soil profile,...
HS32-031x Radish - tap roots, sliced radishes...
HS32-027x Radish - tap roots - Sora variety
HS32-018x Radish - tap roots - Sora variety
HS12-010e Carrot - tap roots, Rondino variety
HS13-022b Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS13-020c Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS69-019x Asexual Reproduction - avocado seed...
HS07-001b Asexual Reproduction - stem cut from...
HS39-004a Daffodil - soil profile showing...
PX04-007a Corn Root - lateral root - Zea mays...
HS69-054a Asexual Reproduction - root growth...
PX04-009a Corn Root - cx showing vascular...
PX01-013a Onion Root - mitosis cells dividing...
DN05-056x Dandelion - seedling showing tap...
DN02-002a Dandelion - root structure -...
DN02-001c Dandelion - root structure -...
PX26-003b Willow Branch - root tip - Salix...
PX04-016a Buttercup Root - cx showing vascular...
PX04-014a Buttercup Root - vascular cylinder,...
PX04-008a Buttercup Root - cx showing food...
PX04-004b Buttercup Root - cx with blue...
PX04-018b Sunflower Root - cx showing vascular...
PX04-003b Buttercup Root - cx showing...
HS32-004b Radish - tap root - D'Avignon variety
CR01-004c Corn - seed germinating, soil...
PZ02-004z Clover seedling - leaves, stem, tap...
HS33-005b Pea - root nodules containing...
HS12-001b Carrot - tap root of carrot.
SE02-010a Bean - seed germinating, showing...
1F06-001c Cabbage Root Maggots
SE06-003b Root hairs
SE04-003a Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
HS32-003b Radish - tap root - D'Avignon variety
SE06-002b Bean - root hairs
SE04-001b Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
HS33-016b Pea - root nodules containing...
HS33-004a Pea - root nodules containing...
HS33-003a Pea - root nodules containing...
HS32-066x Radish - Marabelle variety
HS32-051x Radish - Marabelle variety
HS13-038d Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
LL01-527z Red Trillium - Trillium erectum
HS62-026x Beet - Mixed beets - Foranova,...
HS62-014x Beet - cylindrical shaped beet -...
HS62-008x Beet - sliced - Chioggia variety
HS62-003x Beet - red beets - Chioggia variety
HS32-065x Radish - Easter Egg variety
HS32-048x Radish - Red Scarlet variety
HS32-001x Radish - soil profile - Sora variety
HS12-001x Carrot - Nantes, Rondino variety
HS13-037a Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
LL01-515z Red Trillium - Trillium erectum
LL01-506z Red Trillium - Trillium erectum
HS69-015a Asexual Reproduction - leaf cuttings...
SE12-004z Plant Experiment - showing...
HS69-100x Plant experiment - corn seeds...
HS69-096x Plant experiment - corn seed...
HS69-093x Plant experiment - seeds germinating...
HS62-023x Beet - golden beet - Golden variety
LL01-520z Red Trillium - Trillium erectum
HS69-018b Asexual Reproduction - shoots from...
HS69-155x Plant experiment - set up for corn...
HS23-008z Asexual Reproduction - boy observing...
HS13-031a Sunflower seed germinating, roots,...
HS01-500z Aloe Plant showing Roots and Stems -...
0721-1116 Black-tailed Prairie Dog Foraging...
1C08-009z June Beetle Larva Face among soil...
HS01-501z Aloe Plant showing Roots and Stems -...
0721-1117 Black-tailed Prairie Dog Foraging...
1Y05-024x Earthworms in soil among roots of...
HS24-082c Pumpkin - seedling showing leaves...
TT18-052z Oak - acorn germinating, fibrous...
TT18-041b Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
HS24-094b Pumpkin - seedling showing first...
TT18-055a Oak - acorn germinating, roots, soil...
TT18-044d Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
TT18-041a Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
GR08-008a Grass - soil profile showing roots
0721-1114 Black-tailed Prairie Dog Eating Seed...
0721-1115 Black-tailed Prairie Dog Eating Seed...