Search Results
Your search yielded 387 images
HE11-511z Western Conifer Seed Bug,...
HE11-507z Western Conifer Seed Bug inside the...
SE02-004b Bean - inside of seed showing the...
HE11-502z Western Conifer Seed Bug,...
SE02-009d SE02-004b Bean - inside of seed...
MP02-506z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
MP02-504z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
MP02-500z Sugar maple seedling, seed coat, Acer...
HE05-032z Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on milkweed...
HS26-500z Pea Cross Section showing Embryo,...
HE05-035z Large Milkweed Bug Nymphs on milkweed...
HE05-031z Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on milkweed...
HE05-027b Large Milkweed Bug Adult on milkweed...
HE05-022a Large Milkweed Bug Adult on milkweed...
HE05-009a Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on milkweed...
MK24-005b Milkweed - seed germination,...
HE05-022c Large Milkweed Bug Adult on milkweed...
MU58-002z Burdock seed on white-footed mouse...
HS13-082z Sunflower flower head going to...
HS13-081z Sunflower flower head going to seed,...
HS13-059z Sunflower flower head going to seed,...
HS24-110b Pumpkin - seedling showing roots,...
MK24-001b Milkweed - seed germinating,...
MK03-002a Milkweed - seed caught on plant,...
HS51-010d Flower Reproduction - developing...
HE05-027c Large Milkweed Bug Adult on...
HE05-025b Large Milkweed Bug Eggs on milkweed...
HE05-010c Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on milkweed...
SE04-003a Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
SE04-001b Radish Seed - germinating, showing...
MU58-003z Burdock seed on white-footed mouse...
HS30-052f Bean - seed germination from pushing...
FY14-001a Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
BD03-012z Burdocks - burdock seeds on child's...
MP02-008a Maple - seedling of red maple, seed...
1G05-032z Grass - germinating from seed, soil...
HE05-028b Large Milkweed Bug Adult on milkweed...
HE05-014b Large Milkweed Bug Eggs on milkweed...
HE05-013b Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on milkweed...
HE05-006d Large Milkweed Bug Nymph on...
SE01-002b Peanut seed - showing stored food,...
HS30-047f Bean - seed germination from pushing...
HS14-019b Marigold - seedling germination...
FB03-520z Lupine Seed planted in soil, Lupinus...
FY14-005z Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
BD03-002a Burdocks - burdock seeds on glove,...
MP02-012z Sugar Maple - seedlings, seed coats...
FB03-528z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-522z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
SH24-018z Burdock - seeds on English Springer...
FY14-003a Spotted Touch-Me-Not - Jewelweed,...
BD05-005z Burdocks - burdock seeds on dog,...
BD04-001z Burdocks - burdock seeds on young...
BD03-001a Burdocks - burdock seeds on glove,...
BD02-005z Burdocks - girl with burdock seeds...
HS13-031a Sunflower seed germinating, roots,...
FB03-534z Lupine seed germinating in soil...
FB03-525z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-524z Lupine seed germinating in soil,...
FB03-517z Lupine Seed planted in soil, Lupinus...
CU02-001z Cattail - seeds floating in stream,...
DN11-008z Dandelion seed puff - wind blowing...
DN10-003z Dandelion Seed Puff - wind blowing...
BD04-015a Burdocks - close-up of seeds with...
BD04-014a Burdocks - close-up of seeds with...
BD03-011z Burdocks - burdock seeds on child's...
MP10-004a Red Maple - seeds blowing from tree,...
FB03-559z Lupine seed and seedlings showing...
HS36-011a Cucmber - seedling with seed coat...
DN01-017c Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
HS30-020b Bean - seedling - emerging from soil...
HS69-022x Asexual reproduction - avocado seed...
AT11-005b Apple Tree - seedling showing first...
HS21-025a Lettuce - in flower, going to seed
HS21-024c Lettuce - in flower, going to seed
HS21-023a Lettuce - going to seed in weedy garden
HS13-052f Sunflower - seedling emerging from...
HS13-038d Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
HS13-037a Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
HS13-019z Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
HS24-124a Pumpkin - germinating seedling...
HS24-082c Pumpkin - seedling showing leaves...
HS24-039a Pumpkin - seedling showing roots,...
HS05-036z Potato - child planting seed potatoes
HS05-015b Potato - child with seed potatoes,...
TT18-035b Oak - seed germinating, acorn
TT18-025b Oak - seed germinating - Quercus spp.
MK01-034z Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-029z Milkweed - child watching seed...
MK01-029b Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-027c Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
MK01-026a Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
FB04-007c Wild Lupine - seed pod - Lupinus...
MD06-006a Dandelion - meadow in spring with...
MD06-004z Dandelion - meadow in spring with...
DN10-001a Dandelion - seed dropping off flower...
DN08-006a Dandelion seed germinating -...
DN07-001a Dandelion - seedling germinating,...
DN04-001z Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
DN03-121z Dandelion Seed Puff Taraxacum...
SE09-004c Bean - seedling emerging from soil -...
SE02-010a Bean - seed germinating, showing...
HS30-029d Bean - seedling - emerging from soil...
HS30-024b Bean - seedling emerging from soil -...
HS30-022a Bean - seedling - emerging from soil...
HS30-021c Bean - seedling emerging from soil -...
HS30-016a - Bean - Provider variety - seedling...
AT11-006c Apple Tree - seedling showing first...
SE15-001b Avocado seed and sliced fruit
HS69-172x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-096x Plant experiment - corn seed...
HS69-051x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-043x Plant experiment - seed germination...
BD04-013a Burdocks - close-up of hooks that...
HS13-052b Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
HS13-051a Sunflower - seedling with seed coat...
HS24-126b Pumpkin - germinating seed
HS24-094b Pumpkin - seedling showing first...
HS24-080c Pumpkin - seedling showing leaves,...
TT18-005c Oak - acorn, oak seed - Quercus spp.
TT18-004b Oak - acorn, oak seed - Quercus spp.
MK07-006z Milkweed - seed dispersal, blowing...
MK02-003e Milkweed - seed dispersal, blowing...
MK01-033z Milkweed - field of milkweed, seed...
MK01-028a Milkweed - seed dispersal, breaking...
TT12-034b Red Maple - seedling, seed coat -...
FB04-006a Wild Lupine - seed pod - Lupinus...
EV08-007d White Pine - seed pair - Pinus strobus
MD03-006z Dandelion - Girl picking dandelions...
SE10-002b Corn - seed
SE09-005b Bean - seedling, seed coat on...
HS30-031c Bean - seedling - emerging from...
HS30-030c Bean - seedling - emerging from soil...
HS69-019x Asexual Reproduction - avocado seed...
AT11-007b Apple Tree - seedling emerging from...
AT11-001a Apple Tree - seedling emerging from...
HS69-045x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-040x Plant experiment - seed germination...
HS69-004z Plant experiment - seed germination...
MA23-542z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-550z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-546z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-541z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-547z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-545z Gray squirrel eating pumpkin fruit...
MA23-166z Gray Squirrel - eating pumpkin seeds...
MA23-099z Gray Squirrel - eating pumpkin seeds...
HE05-001c Milkweed Bug - small eastern on...
HE05-003a Milkweed Bug - small eastern on...
DC10-501z Pumpkin Fruit and Seeds decaying to...
HS24-531z Young Pumpkin seedlings with first...
HS24-514z Pumpkin seeding just emerged from...
HS24-513z Young Pumpkin seedlings with first...
HS24-510z Young Pumpkin seedlings with first...
HS24-508z Young Pumpkin seedlings with first...
EV06-009e White Pine Tree, cone opened to see...
DC10-513z Pumpkin Fruit and Seeds decaying to...
DC10-502z Pumpkin Fruit and Seeds decaying to...
HS24-541z Pumpkin seeding just emerged from...
HS24-536z Pumpkin seeds germinating and young...
SE12-004z Plant Experiment - showing...
MP03-012a Red Maple Leaves and developing...
BF01-006z Bird feeder - girl putting seeds in...
BF01-006x Bird Feeder - bird seeds
BF01-001z Bird feeder - girl putting seeds in...
MP03-013a Red Maple Leaves and developing...
HS39-022a Flower Reproduction - mature seeds...
HS39-021b Flower Reproduction - mature seeds...
FP04-020g Flower Reproduction - wrinkled rose,...
FP04-011a Flower Reproduction - wrinkled rose...
MD11-006z Dandelion - seeds floating in air -...
DN06-016z Dandelion - seeds blowing in the...
DN06-011a Dandelion - few seeds remaining on...
MU31-024z Silky Pocket Mouse - cheeks full of...
AT13-001a Decaying apple with seeds germinating
SE15-002b Papaya fruit cut to show seeds
HS69-100x Plant experiment - corn seeds...
HS69-093x Plant experiment - seeds germinating...
MP03-011d Red Maple Leaves and developing...
MP03-010a Red Maple - seeds and new leaves -...
MP03-007a Red Maple - seeds - Acer rubrum
MP03-006b Red Maple - seeds - Acer rubrum
HS51-013a Flower Reproduction - ovary cut xs...
HS39-018c Flower Reproduction - ovary cut open...
FP04-013b Flower Reproduction - wrinkled rose...
DN09-004z Dandelion - girl blowing seeds -...
DN04-002a Dandelion - flower gone to seeds -...
HS69-155x Plant experiment - set up for corn...
SE11-001a Genetics - pea seeds genetic...
MP02-007a Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
HE05-034z Large Milkweed Bug Nymph and Adult on...
HE05-033z Large Milkweed Bug Nymph, Oncopeltus...
HE01-004z Milkweed Bug - on milkweed pod - .
MP02-006a Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
MP02-004e Maple - seedling of red maple - Acer...
HE05-020g Large Milkweed Bug Female, ventral...
HE05-019a Large Milkweed Bug Male, ventral...
HE05-018d Large Milkweed Bug Eggs, Oncopeltus...
HS24-543z Young Pumpkin seedlings with first...
HS24-532z Pumpkin seedling just emerged from...
HS24-526z Pumpkin seedling turning towards the...
HS24-521z Pumpkin seedling using sun to grow,...
HS24-504z Pumpkin seedlings recently...
MP02-005z Sugar Maple - seedlings - Acer...
DC10-530z Jack-o-Lantern decomposing in...
DC10-521z Jack-o-Lantern decomposing in...
EV06-010a White Pine Female flower, Pinus strobus
HS13-056b Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS13-022p Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS05-010z Potato - child planting potato,...
TT18-052z Oak - acorn germinating, fibrous...
TT18-041b Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
FB03-548z Lupine seedling with dew drops on...
HS51-006e Flower Reproduction - showing...
HS30-016c Photosynthesis - bean seedling...
0106-1202 Coconut Palm Palm Germinating on...
BF02-007z Bird Feeder - birds at feeder in winter
HS41-145x Pepper - sweet bell pepper,...
HS41-113x Pepper - sweet bell pepper, Islander...
HS41-037x Pepper - sweet pepper, Lipstick variety
HS13-073d Sunflower- seedlings germinating,...
HS13-057f Sunflower seedlings and sun....
HS13-054g Sunflower - seedlings emerging from...
HS13-030a Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS13-023b Sunflower seedling showing roots...
HS05-037z Potato - eye
HS05-026b Potato - eye sprouting
HS05-021b Potato - eye
HS05-014b Potato - child planting potatoes
HS05-013b Potato - planting potatoes
HS05-009b Potato - planting potatoes, kennebec...
HS05-006a Potato - red potato germinating new...
HS05-005z Potato - child planting potato,...
HS05-004d Potato - red potato germinating new...
HS05-002c Potato - tuber with new sprouts at...
HS05-001b Potato - tuber with new sprouts at...
TT18-057a Oak - acorn germinating - Quercus spp.
TT18-055a Oak - acorn germinating, roots, soil...
TT18-045d Oak - acorn germinating - Quercus spp.
TT18-044d Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
TT18-041a Oak - acorn germinating, soil...
FY14-524z Indian touch-me-not or policeman's...
FY14-513z Indian touch-me-not or policeman's...
FY14-504z Indian touch-me-not or policeman's...
FB03-555z Lupine seedling, Lupinus perennis
HS51-009d Flower Reproduction - wilting...
HS51-007d Flower Reproduction - showing...
HS39-020a Flower Reproduction - petals...
CR02-009x Corn - kernels on cob
AT11-003a Apple Tree - seedlings showing first...