Search Results
Your search yielded 31 images
MU30-106z Meadow Vole girdling [eating the...
TT11-506z Tree trunk cross sections showing...
TT11-502z Tree trunk cross sections showing...
TT01-010a Dwarf Alberta Spruce - tree trunk -...
TT13-005c Yellow Birch - trunk and bark -...
TT13-002b Gray Birch - bark and tree trunk -...
TT01-038d White Oak - close-up of bark, trunk...
TT01-001a Tree Trunk - bark
TT01-039b Scotch Pine - trunk - Pinus sylvestris
TT01-008a Pitch Pine - tree trunk - Pinus rigida
OW02-315a Saw-whet owl - at nest cavity -...
OW02-253b Saw-whet owl - at nest cavity-...
OW02-252d Saw-whet owl - at nest cavity-...
OW01-112b Barred Owl - young in nest caviity -...
TT13-009c White Birch - paper birch - Betula spp.
TT13-008a White Birch - paper birch - Betula spp.
DT04-002b Forest - tree trunk decomposing,...
0820-0903 Spring Peeper Frog Climbing on Red...
0820-0901 Spring Peeper Frog Climbing on Red...
0811-0905 Spring Peeper Frog Climbing on Red...
MA36-006z African Elephant - close-up of...
1202-0867 Mojave yucca (Spanish Dagger) in...
LI01-020x Foliose Lichen - on tree trunk
LI01-015x Foliose Lichen - on tree trunk
0820-0902 Spring Peeper Frog Climbing on Red...
0811-0906 Spring Peeper Frog Climbing on Red...
MU12-023z Deer Mouse under a tree trunk with...
DT09-006c Forest - tree trunk decomposing,...
MA01-095z Black Bear - female bear with cubs...
MA01-017z Black Bear - tagged mother bear with...
DT09-003d Forest - tree trunk decomposing,...